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Katharine Rendle

List of Publications

Title Date PC3I Authors Journal
Determinants of Blood Culture Use in Critically Ill Children: A Multicenter Qualitative Study April 13, 2023
PC3I Authors
Katharine Rendle
Pediatric Quality & Safety
Smoking status and the association between patient-level factors and survival among lung cancer patients May 25, 2023
PC3I Authors
Anil Vachani; Katharine Rendle
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Uptake of novel systemic therapy: Real world patterns among adults with advanced non-small cell lung cancer June 23, 2023
PC3I Authors
Katharine Rendle; Anil Vachani
Cancer Treatment and Research Communications
Application of team science best practices to the project management of a large, multi-site lung cancer screening research consortium July 17, 2023
PC3I Authors
Anil Vachani; Jocelyn Wainwright; Katharine Rendle
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
Cluster Randomized Pragmatic Clinical Trial Testing Behavioral Economic Implementation Strategies to Improve Tobacco Treatment for Patients With Cancer Who Smoke July 19, 2023
PC3I Authors
Justin Bekelman; Peter Gabriel; Larry Shulman; Oluwadamilola "Lola" Fayanju; Katharine Rendle
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Advancing health equity through implementation science: Identifying and examining measures of the outer setting July 20, 2023
PC3I Authors
Katharine Rendle
Social Science and Medicine
Estimating Pack-Year Eligibility for Lung Cancer Screening Using 2 Yes or No Questions August 7, 2023
PC3I Authors
Katharine Rendle; Justin Bekelman; Anil Vachani
JAMA Network Open
The Philadelphia Lung Cancer Learning Community: a multi-health-system, citywide approach to lung cancer screening September 15, 2023
PC3I Authors
Jocelyn Wainwright; Farouk Dako; Katharine Rendle; Anil Vachani
JNCI Cancer Spectrum
Uptake of Lung Cancer Screening CT After a Provider Order for Screening in the PROSPR-Lung Consortium October 2, 2023
PC3I Authors
Katharine Rendle; Anil Vachani
Journal of General Internal Medicine
iNUDGE: Integration of liquid biopsy based next generation gene sequencing in newly diagnosed NSCLC—A stepped wedge cluster randomized clinical trial. May 29, 2024
PC3I Authors
Anthony Martella; Dylan G. Scholes; Meagan Hume; Charu Aggarwal; Christopher A. D’Avella; Ramy Sedhom; Peter Gabriel; Katharine Rendle; Justin Bekelman; Leland Boisseau; Melina Marmarelis
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Participant experiences in HIV cure-directed trial with an extended analytical treatment interruption in Philadelphia, United States October 14, 2023
PC3I Authors
Katharine Rendle
HIV Research and Clinical Practice
University of Pennsylvania Telehealth Research Center of Excellence June 26, 2024
PC3I Authors
Jocelyn Wainwright; Charu Aggarwal; David Dougherty; Peter Gabriel; Jillian Kalman; Anthony Martella; Shivan Mehta; Larry Shulman; Jennifer Steltz; Hannah Toneff; Katharine Rendle; Justin Bekelman; Anil Vachani
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs
Development of an Electronic Health Record-Based Algorithm for Predicting Lung Cancer Screening Eligibility in the Population-Based Research to Optimize the Screening Process Lung Research Consortium November 1, 2023
PC3I Authors
Katharine Rendle; Anil Vachani
JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics
Web Exclusive. Annals On Call – Real-World Complications of Lung Cancer Screening March 18, 2024
PC3I Authors
Katharine Rendle; Anil Vachani
Annals of Internal Medicine
Protocol to evaluate sequential electronic health record-based strategies to increase genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer risk across diverse patient populations in gynecology practices November 6, 2023
PC3I Authors
Justin Bekelman; Peter Gabriel; Leland Boisseau; Katharine Rendle; Oluwadamilola "Lola" Fayanju; Larry Shulman
Implementation Science
Effects of Message Framing on Cervical Cancer Screening Knowledge and Intentions Related to Primary HPV Testing April 13, 2021
PC3I Authors
Jocelyn Wainwright; Katharine Rendle
Cancer Prevention Research (Phila)
Evaluation of a brief virtual implementation science training program: the Penn Implementation Science Institute November 7, 2023
PC3I Authors
Katharine Rendle
Implementation Science Communications
Adaptation and feasibility of a multimodal mindfulness-based intervention to promote sexual health in cancer survivorship June 24, 2021
PC3I Authors
Katharine Rendle
Translational Behavioral Medicine
Protocol for a pragmatic stepped wedge cluster randomized clinical trial testing behavioral economic implementation strategies to increase supplemental breast MRI screening among patients with extremely dense breasts November 24, 2023
PC3I Authors
Anne Marie McCarthy; Justin Bekelman; Peter Gabriel; Katharine Rendle; Oluwadamilola "Lola" Fayanju; Larry Shulman
Implementation Science