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Nudges Informed by Behavioral Economics to Increase Utilization of Higher-Value Cancer Drugs

Project Description Identifying effective ways to promote high-value, evidence-based prescribing is particularly important in cancer care, where spending is estimated to surpass $170 billion by 2020, driven in large…

Direct and Spillover Impact of Utilization Management Policy on Uptake of Hypofractionated Radiation in Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Project Description Breast cancer accounts for the largest portion of cancer-related spending in the United States. Prior work has shown that while hypofractionated radiation following breast conservation surgery is…

Characteristics of Physicians Participating in Medicare’s Oncology Care Model Bundled Payment Program

Project Description The Oncology Care Model (OCM) is Medicare’s first bundled payment program for patients with cancer. PC3I Researchers examined baseline characteristics of OCM physician participants and markets with…

Hospital Type and Utilization, Prices, and Financial Burden of Cancer Surgeries in the United States

Project Description In this initiative, PC3I researchers examined the relationship between hospital types and utilization, prices and financial burden, and spending for major cancer surgeries among privately insured patients…

Innovating Payment for Radiation Therapy While Improving Quality of Care

Project Description Since 2014, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has explored ways to test an episode-based payment models for primary and specialist health care services. One…

Emily Ko

Emily Ko, MD, MSCR is an Innovation Faculty Member at the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I). Her work focuses on population science-based research studies, clinical trials, and health…

Justin Bekelman

Marietta and Howard Stoeckel Professor, Perelman School of Medicine Justin E. Bekelman, M.D. is the founding Director of the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I) at the Abramson Cancer…

Approaches to Foster Economic Sustainability of Precision Cancer Medicine and Cell Therapies

Project Description This initiative examines the high price effectiveness and value of precision cancer medicine and cell and gene therapies. Projects have included a major symposium on cell…