Elizabeth M. De Jesus
Fellows MD Resident, General Surgery, University of Pennsylvania Health System LinkedIn of Elizabeth M. De Jesus
UPenn IBX Housestaff Scholar
Elizabeth M. De Jesus, MD is an Innovation Fellow at the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I), a General Surgery Resident at Penn, and a UPenn IBX Housestaff Scholar. She is pursuing a specialty in Breast Surgical Oncology, focusing on identifying and reducing modifiable risk factors associated with Breast Cancer as well as improving access to marginalized communities.
Dr. De Jesus serves on the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Cedar Quality Improvement Board and the Lactation Policy Task Force at UPenn. She obtained her undergraduate degree from the Temple University, where she majored in Neuroscience and Biology. She subsequently received her medical degree from the Tufts University School of Medicine with honors, where she received multiple awards for her innovative community engagement efforts including the Tufts University Honos Civicus Society Award, Twenty Ninth Annual Massachusetts Medical Society Scholar Award, and the Presidential Award for Civic Life.