Founded at the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania
Caitlin O'Neill

Caitlin M. O’Neill, DNP, RN, OCN, NEA-BC

Clinical Director for Outpatient Oncology and Infusion Nursing, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Caitlin O’Neill is the Clinical Director for Outpatient Oncology and Infusion Nursing at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP), where she provides clinical and strategic direction for the HUP-based ambulatory Infusion Suites at the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine (PCAM), Radnor, and Valley Forge, as well as the Medical Infusion Suite at HUP and the Center for Human Phenomic Science (CHPS).

Over the last few years, Caitlin has successfully led many of Infusion Services’ key initiatives, focusing on improving cancer and infusion care delivery; optimizing infusion capacity and access; elevating patient experiences; and enhancing evidence-based nursing practice. Before transitioning to leadership, Caitlin worked as a clinical nurse on an inpatient oncology unit and a medical intensive care unit at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

Caitlin received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing, her Master of Science in Nursing and Healthcare Administration, with a Minor in Oncology Leadership, and, most recently, her Doctor of Nursing Practice in Executive Leadership all from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Nursing.