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Emily Ko

List of Publications

Title Date PC3I Authors Journal
Racial disparities in receipt of radiation and brachytherapy in cervical cancer patients: Do they exist in a SEER-Medicare population? October 8, 2024
PC3I Authors
Emily Gleason; Emily Ko
Gynecologic oncology reports
Racial disparities in receipt of radiation and brachytherapy in cervical cancer patients and impact on survival outcomes: Do they exist in a SEER-Medicare population? (2124) September 1, 2023
PC3I Authors
Emily Gleason; Emily Ko
Gynecologic Oncology
Cost of care associated with utilization of telehealth in clinical trials. May 31, 2023
PC3I Authors
Emily Gleason; Emily Ko
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Telehealth utilization in gynecologic oncology clinical trials September 2, 2023
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko; Emily Gleason
Gynecologic Oncology
Early-career and fellow gynecologic oncologists perceive underpreparedness for the business of medicine: A Society of gynecologic oncology survey study September 21, 2024
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko
Gynecologic Oncology Reports
Current diagnostic guidelines and perpetuation of inequities in ovarian cancer: A National Cancer Database study. May 29, 2024
PC3I Authors
Anna Jo Smith; Emily Gleason; Anne Marie McCarthy
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Transportation assistance in gynecologic oncology: A pilot study. October 26, 2023
PC3I Authors
Anna Jo Smith; Emily Ko; Justin Bekelman
JCO Oncology Practice
Addressing transportation barriers in oncology: existing programs and new solutions April 29, 2024
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko; Meredith Doherty; Anna Jo Smith
Supportive Care in Cancer
“Having cancer is very expensive”: A qualitative study of patients with ovarian cancer and PARP inhibitor treatment May 1, 2024
PC3I Authors
Anna Jo Smith; Emily Ko; Katharine Rendle
Gynecologic Oncology
Ovarian Cancer Isn’t Just a White Woman’s Disease April 4, 2024
PC3I Authors
Anna Jo Smith; Emily Ko
JAMA Oncology
An SGO commentary: U.S. News and World Report gynecologic oncology procedural ratings-Do they reflect high-quality care? March 16, 2024
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko
Gynecologic Oncology
Role of lymphadenectomy for apparent early stage uterine sarcoma; a comprehensive analysis of the National Cancer Database May 6, 2021
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko
Surgical Oncology
Minimally invasive hysterectomy for stage IA cervical carcinoma: a survival analysis of the National Cancer Database May 8, 2021
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
Surveillance for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia following molar pregnancy: a cost-effectiveness analysis May 31, 2021
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Outcomes of comprehensive lymphadenectomy for patients with advanced stage ovarian carcinoma and rare histologic sub-types July 1, 2021
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
The oncology care model and the future of alternative payment models: A gynecologic oncology perspective July 23, 2021
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko
Gynecologic Oncology
Ascites volume at the time of primary debulking and overall survival of patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer October 27, 2021
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
Association of gynecologic oncology versus medical oncology specialty with survival, utilization, and spending for treatment of gynecologic cancers December 24, 2021
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko; Justin Bekelman
Gynecologic Oncology
Fertility-sparing surgery for patients with stage IC2 or IC3 epithelial ovarian carcinoma: any evidence of safety? December 25, 2021
PC3I Authors
Emily Ko
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
Insurance-Mediated Disparities in Gynecologic Oncology Care January 6, 2022
PC3I Authors
Anna Jo Smith; Emily Ko
Obstetrics & Gynecology