Machine Learning and More: PC3I at ASCO

May 28, 2020

Most patients with cancer die without ever having a high-quality conversation with their doctor about their values, goals, and care preferences—what is called a "serious-illness conversation".

Research shows that increasing serious-illness conversations between clinicians and patients makes it more likely that patients will receive care consistent with their preferences in their last year of life. Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I) Fellow Chris Manz, MD, Faculty member Ravi Parikh, MD, Director Justin Bekelman, MD, and co-authors across Penn created and studied an intervention to deliver machine learning-based mortality estimates with behavioral nudges to oncologists. The intervention significantly increased serious illness conversations between doctors and their patients by three-fold over 16 weeks. On Friday, their presentation of these findings will be available on-demand to ASCO20 Virtual attendees.

Every year, the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) brings together oncology professionals from around the world to deliver the latest cancer science. The 2020 program will feature the following presentations co-authored by PC3I Faculty and Fellows:

1. Machine learning and behavioral nudges increase serious illness conversations

2. Patient-reported outcome collection as standard-of-care

3. Machine learning model predicts short-term mortality

4. Improved cardiovascular disease risk mitigation needed for androgen deprivation therapy recipients

5. Utilization management policy and increased evidence-based, patient-friendly radiation

6. NCI and academic hospitals have less timely cancer treatment

  • Title: Association of hospital type and patient volume growth with timely cancer treatment.
  • PC3I authors: Zachary A.K. Frosch, Justin E. Bekelman, Samuel U Takvorian
  • Conclusions: Patients with newly diagnosed cancer are increasingly receiving treatment at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and academic hospitals. While time to treatment initiation at NCI and academic hospitals is longer than in the community, patient volume growth has been possible without delaying cancer treatment. Further study is needed to determine whether continued growth at this rate is sustainable. *Received merit award

7. Pay-for-performance program and increased evidence-based prescribing

8. Immune checkpoint inhibitors and increased systemic therapy at end of life