This is my archive
Efrat Dotan
Efrat Dotan, MD is an Innovation Faculty member at the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I) and Executive Medical Director of the Ann B Barshinger Cancer Institute at Penn…
Katherine “Kate” Courtright
Faculty, Palliative and Advanced Illness Research (PAIR) Center Kate Courtright, MD, MSHP is an Innovation Faculty member at the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I), Assistant Professor of Medicine…
Rebecca DeBoer
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Hematology/Oncology, University of California San Francisco Medical Oncologist, Zuckerberg San Francisco Hospital Rebecca DeBoer, MD, MA is a visiting faculty member at the Penn Center for…
Lauren M. Hamel
Associate Professor of Oncology, Wayne State University School of Medicine Vice Chair of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Department of Oncology, Wayne State University School of Medicine Co-Program Leader, Population Studies…
Anne Reilly
Attending Physician, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Professor, Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine Anne Reilly, MD, MPH is an Innovation Faculty member at the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation…
Kimberley Lee
Kimberley Lee, MD, MHS is an Innovation Faculty member at the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I) and Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine. Prior…
Michael Anne Kyle
Michael Anne Kyle, PhD, RN is an Innovation Faculty member at the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I) and Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Ethics and Health…
Farouk Dako
Senior Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute (LDI) Farouk Dako, MD, MPH is an Innovation Faculty member at the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I), an Assistant Professor of Radiology in…
Rupal P. O’Quinn
Director, Cardio-Oncology, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center Rupal P. O’Quinn, MD, MHCI, FACC is an Innovation Faculty at the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I), Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine…
Anne Marie McCarthy
Anne Marie McCarthy, PhD is an Innovation Faculty member at the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I) and an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman…