
Founded at the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania in 2018, the Penn Center for Cancer Care Innovation (PC3I) is the nation’s first center working at the nexus of research and practice to create, test, and scale solutions to transform cancer care delivery.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make cancer care better for patients, clinicians, and communities. Our work spans the cancer continuum, from screening and prevention, to diagnosis and treatment, to survivorship, palliative care, and end of life care.

Nexus of Research and Practice

At PC3I, we thrive at the intersection of research, innovation, and clinical practice. We create lasting transformative change through solutions grounded in science and tested in the real world.

Read About Our Work

Ecosystem for Innovation

Working within a world-class clinical and research environment, we bring together change agents and strategic partners to create, test, and scale solutions to address the most intractable problems in cancer care:

Cutting Edge Innovators

Our faculty, fellows, and staff comprise a multidisciplinary community of leading clinicians, researchers, innovators, and thought leaders. We leverage our clinical, academic, and industry backgrounds to make lasting change in cancer care.

Meet Our Innovators

Strategic Partners

To magnify our impact, we work with a broad range of partners to help scale our solutions into real-world settings. From local health clinics to health plans to biotech and digital health companies, we’re always looking for partners interested in transforming the world of cancer care delivery.

Meet Our Partners

Agile Solutions

We’re dedicated to clinical transformation in cancer care – for patients, clinicians, and organizations. Grounded in a health equity lens, our solutions leverage the latest strategies in the discipline of innovation, behavioral economics, implementation science, epidemiology, artificial intelligence, and more.

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Real-World Collaboratory

We leverage the world-class clinical and research environment of Penn Medicine and other partners as “collaboratories” to create, test, and scale cancer care solutions.

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